Diablo 2 game steam
Diablo 2 game steam

diablo 2 game steam

Perhaps inspired by Doom which was 4 years old by then, Blizzard were targeting the LAN party crowd?īut I experienced it by dialling my ISP and playing with my best mate. So for a game like Diablo to land with multiplayer baked in was unusual.

diablo 2 game steam

ADSL was rare and fixed connections were pure fantasy. Arriving in 1997, the majority of households didn’t yet have internet connections and those that did were still on 28K or (if they were lucky!) 56K modems. There was something very special about the first Diablo. Then it’s over to you to tell me how wrong I am, in the comments! Next, I’ll cover a game that’s very similar to the original, then (hopefully!) any games that have surpassed it since, and finally any games that do things in a unique way, but still tipping their hat to the original. I’ll start with a bit of history about the most famous game representing the genre. IYL will be a short series of articles delving into various genres and looking at the best examples in each. Let’s look at the series as a whole, and the genre it largely created. Launched in the 90’s, it defined a new genre of dungeon crawling, successfully mixing traditional Rogue/Nethack elements with beautiful visuals, real-time combat, class selection, an innovative loot system, and haunting music. There shouldn’t be any arguments when I claim that the original Diablo was a masterpiece.

Diablo 2 game steam